Decorate Middle Eastern Rugs and Carpets in Contemporary and Traditional Homes

Handmade Pakistani oriental rug with Caucasian Kazak design in brown color. Size 4x6.10.
3172- Handmade Pakistani Caucasian Kazak design made of wool. Size 4×6.10.

Rugs are an essential aspect of home decor. To give your living space a cozy and sophisticated feel, there’s nothing better than a Middle Eastern rug with its intricate patterns.

Middle Eastern rugs have always been highly valued for their beauty and durability. Adding a Middle Eastern rug instantly elevates the space and gives it a classier appeal, be it an office or living room.

Additionally, a handcrafted Middle Eastern rug is both timeless and highly adaptable. You can decorate it in any home and interior design. Finding a rug that matches your home is a breeze due to the wide range of choices in color, pattern, material, and fabric.

Here are a few style tips to keep in mind when decorating your contemporary home with Middle Eastern rugs.

Spruce up your space with a pop of color

Contemporary homes often favor minimalism and showcase an all-white interior. A Middle Eastern rug is the ideal choice to add a pop of color to a space. You can use it in various areas of your home to add color, texture, and create an inviting atmosphere.

Coordinate your rug with your furniture

Transform your home’s design with the addition of a Middle Eastern rug. Before shopping for Persian rugs, consider your existing furniture. Matching your rug with your furniture is essential for a cohesive and put-together room.

Keep the rest of the room neutral or monochromatic

To make your traditional carpet stand out, keep the rest of the room neutral or monochromatic. If you want the rug to be the focal point, avoid placing eye-catching artwork or furnishings around it.

Use more than one rug

If you want to enhance a large room, consider adding more than one Middle Eastern rug. Depending on your preference and layout, you can incorporate multiple large rugs or mix rugs of various sizes.

Mix patterns

When using multiple rugs, enjoy experimenting with various patterns, but ensure they complement each other. Belonging to the same color family will help them blend in. Avoid mixing too many colors and patterns to prevent your space from becoming too loud and chaotic. Classic patterns like florals and animal motifs complement each other perfectly.

Currently, there are many rug stores where you can buy Middle Eastern rugs, including Persian rugs. Ensure you do your research and only purchase from a reliable seller. Beautiful Rugs has been a part of this industry for many years. With authentic Persian carpets of the finest quality imported to Chicago, we have created an inventory of stunning, high-end handmade rugs, luxury Persian silk carpets, rare handmade wall hangings, and pictorial rugs. Browse through our website “” to choose from an extensive selection of beautiful traditional rugs that are designed to add color, warmth, and elegance to any space. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more details.

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