4×6 Rugs, 4×6 Area Rugs, 5×8 Rugs, 5×8 Area Rugs.

The rugs in this range are available in small sizes, including 4×6, 5×7, and 5×8. These sizes are commonly used in the United States and are referred to as US sizes.

Handmade area rug, floral Kashan design wool are rug in red color. Size 4.2x6.3.
7073- Area rugs. Fine quality handmade traditional Kashan style wool area rug made in Pakistan. Rug size 4.2×6.3.

However, Persian rugs are made in metric sizes, which are slightly larger than their US counterparts and fall in between two consecutive US sizes. In this category, Persian rug sizes include 4.5×6.5, 5.5×7.5, and 5.5×8.5. It’s worth noting that the size difference between Persian and US rug sizes is minimal, and it is hardly noticeable to the untrained eye.

Small rugs in this range are designed for a variety of smaller areas in your home, such as foyers, small living rooms, small bedrooms, small TV rooms, large bathrooms, and more. A 4×6 rug is perfect for a small entryway or a cozy reading nook, while a 5×7 rug can brighten up a small living room or a bedroom. If you have a larger bathroom or a TV room, you might want to consider a 5×8 rug for added comfort and warmth.

It’s important to choose the right size rug for your space, as it can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your room. By understanding the different sizes available in this range, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect rug that fits your needs and style preferences. Beautiful Rugs is always available to help you with all rug-related questions

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